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How To Configure Your Website’s Site Map Within Your ResponseQue App
Configure your website sitemap (links to pages of your website) in ResponseQue not only to allow for quick link insertion into your responses, but also to categorize the pages of your website so that ResponseQue can automatically route questions to the appropriate team member based on what web page your customer asks the question from.
For example: Let’s say that you have a ResponseQue Category called “Sales” setup in your app. Under the Manage>Quick Links section, when you enter in the links to your product pages on your website, you can assign them to your “Sales” category and what this means is that anytime a visitor asks a question from one of your product pages the question, if unique, will be automatically routed to only your team members assigned to your “Sales” category.
How To Integrate Dynamic FAQ Pages Into Your Website
Any category that you setup in the system you can configure to feed a dynamic FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. To do this, simply go to Manage> Categories within your admin console and then click on the FAQ button to the right of the category to generate a code snippet and copy it to memory. […]
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How To Export/Import Data Into The ResponseQue System
You can easily export Q&A, Log and data used to generate Reports by simply clicking the Export option at the top of the data table you are viewing. You can select a few records to only export those, or click the top header checkbox to select all records export. All data is exported in a […]
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How To Edit Your Profile And Setup New User/Agents and Your Entire Team With Access To The System
You can edit your own profile under the Profile section of the admin console and here you can do things like reset your password, change your alias (name that displays on the help widget when you answer questions) and select which categories of questions you would like to see in your message queue. To setup […]
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How To Answer Incoming Questions While At The Same Time Training ResponseQue
ResponseQue is more than just a communication software it is an automation tool. But ResponseQue never guesses the answers to questions, instead you and your team train it how to respond to questions while using the system yourself an here is how you do it… As new questions come into the message queue you can […]
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